GIZZDODO is made of fried gizzards and plantain simmered in tomato-peppered sauce. This very flavorful and delicious meal will have you craving for more and more. This recipe is simple,quick and easy to make.
1 pound chicken gizzards
3 ripe plantain ( cubed)
2 medium size tomato (diced)
2 bell peppers (sliced)
1 small onion ( chopped)
habenero pepper
garlic paste
ginger paste
1/2 cup carrot
green onion
vegetable oil
salt and seasoning
Wash the gizzards,put in a pot,add onion,garlic, ginger, pepper,salt and seasoning and cook over medium heat until tender. Cut the plantain into medium size cubes,drizzle with a little salt and deep fry with oil until light brown and set aside. Fry the gizzards until slightly crispy, then set aside.
Put 2 tablespoons of oil in a large nonstick pan over medium- high heat ,add onion ,garlic and curry and cook until onion is soft, add the tomatoes ,cook for 2-3 minutes,add the bell peppers and carrot, cook a few minutes. Add the gizzards and plantain,add salt and seasoning to taste, mix properly,reduce the heat and simmer a few minutes. Turn the heat off and garnish with green onion.
serve as aside dish .
bon appetit.